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#+-| RUN |------------------------------------------+#########################
#| +-----+ The RUN command executes a child process |#########################
#+--| Syntax |------------------+#############################################
#|     RUN [SAVE] [<C-exp>]     |#############################################
##########+---| Description |--------------------------------------+##########
##########| RUN releases memory to accommodate the child process.  |##########
##########| FORCE rereads current database records when the child  |##########
##########| process terminates.  Check for adequate memory before  |##########
##########| using RUN.                                             |##########
##########| ------------------------------------------------------ |##########
##########| FORCE tries to execute <C-exp> without command.com if  |##########
##########| possible.  This enables you to get a return code from  |##########
##########| a child process.  The FORCE variable __exit_status     |##########
##########| contains the exit code from the child process.  If the |##########
##########| program command.com is executed, then __exit_status is |##########
##########| always 0.  There is no implied meaning of the exit     |##########
##########| code.  See the QUIT command, which can set             |##########
##########| __exit_status for a parent process.                    |##########
##########| ------------------------------------------------------ |##########
##########| SAVE                                                   |##########
##########|                                                        |##########
##########| Specifies the memory image of the current process is   |##########
##########| to be saved to the disk.  This frees almost all memory |##########
##########| for the child process.  Approximately 2k of memory is  |##########
##########| retained for the runtime system.                       |##########
#########+--| Example 1 |-------------------------------------------+#########
#########| *    Run the child process /c install.bat.               |#########
#########|                                                          |#########
#########| RUN "C:\command.com /c install.bat"                      |#########
#########| RUN cmds[ k ] + ".exe"                                   |#########
#########+--| Example 2 |-------------------------------------------+#########
#########| *    Run a program depending upon a pick list selection. |#########
#########|                                                          |#########
#########| VARDEF                                                   |#########
#########|     CHAR(14) f[6] = "dd.exe","q1.exe","q2.exe";          |#########
#########|                     "backup.exe","z.com","r.com"         |#########
#########|     LONG     k, choice                                   |#########
#########|     INT      r                                           |#########
#########| ENDDEF                                                   |#########
#########|                                                          |#########
#########| PROCEDURE force_main                                     |#########
#########|     k = pick_init()                                      |#########
#########|     FOR r = 0 TO 5                                       |#########
#########|         pick_str( k, f[r] )        && put filenames      |#########
#########|                                    &&  into pick list    |#########
#########|     NEXT                                                 |#########
#########|                                                          |#########
#########| *--- allow user to select file                           |#########
#########|                                                          |#########
#########|     pick_list( k,3,4,9,24,choice,.F.,.F.)                |#########
#########|     IF choice <> 0                                       |#########
#########|         RUN f[ choice ]                                  |#########
#########|     ENDIF                                                |#########
#########| ENDPRO                                                   |#########
#########+--| Example 3 |-------------------------------------------+#########
#########| *    RUN a child process, yet save the current           |#########
#########| *    program to disk to conserve memory.  The disk       |#########
#########| *    file created is unique.  The RUN SAVE command is    |#########
#########| *    safe in a network environment.                      |#########
#########|                                                          |#########
#########| RUN SAVE "mychild.exe"                                   |#########

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson